Thursday, June 30, 2011

May Day!: Painting Faces

With hair done, it was time for my entourage to get their makeup on! Luckily, there were a ton of mirrors around--it was like the suite was made for a bridal party in the getting ready stages.

Personal Photo

There were makeup brushes and eyeshadows galore, scattered all over the counter and on any surface where a mirror was available.  Mascara wands were wielded to tame unruly eyelashes; blush and bronzer powdered on to combat the early-summer lack of color we were all experiencing. 

There was debate on colors: brown or black?  Should I wear this gloss or that lipstick?

Probably one of my favorite getting ready pictures...

It was a chaotically fun atmosphere, and for a while, I felt like I was back in college, getting ready for a night out with my friends. 

While faces were painted, we all tackled the project of steaming the wrinkles out of our dresses with the $30 steamer I picked up at Target a few days before the wedding.  It looked a little bit like R2D2, but it was totally worth it!

TCollins is getting her makeup on while Cosmo--our designated steamer--tackles my wrinkly dress.

The one thing that I really wish I had done was pay for a makeup artist to do our makeup on the day of the wedding.  Sister Goodlaff did my makeup, which looked fantastic, and all of my bridesmaids did a wonderful job doing their own, but I really wish that I could have found a reasonably-priced makeup artist so my girls and I could have had that extra layer of pampering before the wedding. 

Still, it turned out well.

With everyone else done, it was time for me to transform into a bride...

Are you hiring a makeup artist for your wedding day?

All Photos by Niki Ross Photography unless otherwise noted.


  1. I am still impartial to the idea of hiring a makeup artist..but I know NOTHING about makeup..I do want to look a little different than my everyday old self on my wedding day.

  2. ooh i definitely should buy a steamer for the day of (and after). good thinking going to target!
