Friday, July 22, 2011

May Day!: Here Comes the Bride

After our flower girl, Dee, started down the aisle, the doors at the back of the Stone Hall closed, and Daddy Goodlaff and I stepped forward. 

The string trio began the opening chords of Canon in D...

And the doors opened: 

Daddy Goodlaff and I headed down the aisle, and I as I walked past my family and friends, I tried to take it all in--to smile and take mental pictures of the room, the people, and my soon-to-be husband.

I wanted to remember everything.  Every single detail of the moment I had worked so hard for, planned for over a year was finally right there in front of me, and I wanted time to slow down.

Thing is, I wasn't really walking slowly. Daddy Goodlaff says I was practically sprinting down the aisle. I vaguely remember him telling me to slow down, and stop trying to run down the aisle.  Still, how could I help it?  This was waiting for me at the end of my path:

Finally our walk was at an end,

Daddy Goodlaff passed me over to Mr. Goodlaff,

And we were finally standing together, about to be married!

Miss something? Catch up here:

First, We Walk
An Interlude
The First Look that Almost Wasn't
It's All About Me
Sharp Dressed Men
Girls, Girls, Girls
My Chariot Awaits
Dress Success
Beginning the Bridal Transformation
Painting Faces
Perfectly Coiffed
Calm Before the Storm

All photos by Niki Ross Photography

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