Sunday, May 1, 2011

I'm Getting Married in the Morning...

Technically it is morning.  Technically it's my wedding day.  I should be curled up in bed right now, trying to get what little sleep will come my way this evening (morning).  But I'm here, finishing up one stage of my blogging journey, typing up one last blog as Miss Goodlaff. 

Our wedding is tomorrow, and I can't wait.  These last few days have been big balls of stress piled with indecision and last-minute frenzy.  There's been so much to do these past few days, and I will confess that I'm really glad wedding day is finally here.

I finished writing my vows about two seconds ago, and although stressful to have to complete them RIGHTTHISMINUTE, I'm almost glad in a way that this was my last wedding task because it has brought me full circle to what got us here in the first place: love.

Mr. Goodlaff, I love you.  I can't wait to marry you tomorrow (today), and I can't wait to be your wife.  It's been a journey, but here we are, end of the wedding marathon, still as much in love as ever and stronger for having dealt with all the challenges planning a wedding threw our way. 

I'll see you all on the other side!

For the last time,
Miss Goodlaff


  1. ugh i could cry. this was a sweet note. i bet waking up this morning felt like christmas morning- just so exciting! have a WONDERFUL wedding day! go get 'em!

  2. I'm a little late--but you're MARRIED now!! :) Congats Mrs!

  3. congratulations!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!!
