Monday, April 18, 2011

Order in the Court

Because Miss Goodlaff's hair trial is about to begin!

Friday was a really busy day for the Goodlaffs, but it was especially busy for me.  Our marriage license has been procured, and our flowers are finalized and ready to be ordered. And finally, after months of growing out my hair and looking at inspiration pictures, I had my hair trial. 

I decided pretty early on that I wanted an updo, and fell in love with the soft, romantic side chignon.

 In November TLC ran a short series, Wedding Day Makeover, and my desired wedding day hairstyle was set in stone when I saw Veronica's chosen hairstlye.  I DVR-ed the episode (still have it, too) and took pictures from the TV screen, that is how dedicated I am to this one have-to-have-it hairstyle. After my screen to camera pictures turned out crappy, I googled it, and lo and behold, Veronica's photographer, Stephen Knuth had posted pictures of her wedding on his blog.

So here is my be-all, end-all wedding hair inspiration:

I took these pictures (plus about a dozen more) to Lindsay at Styles and asked her to pretty please take my massive amount of unruly hair and turn it in to something lovely and wonderful like the hairdo above. 

Guess what?  She did!

Personal Photos

The verdict: awesome!  It was a quick trial, only lasting about an hour, and Lindsay assures me that on the day of, I will not have not a single hair out of place.  For such a quick job of it, I think it looks fantastic, and with a little smoothing here and there, I know my wedding day hair will look sublime. 

I felt so girly and romantic, and love the way that both the veil and the flower look with my hair. So yay! Hairdo decided and checked off the list. Can't wait do see it for real on the day of our wedding!

How did you find your hairstyle inspiration?